Basic RT components and utilities  ..


This component simulates a camera and/or a range finder.


Data Ports

Input Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
stateOpenHRP::SceneState[rad,m]scene state
qRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad]Joint angles(This port is generated when the component is activated)
poseBaseRTC::TimedPose3D[m],[rad]position/orientation of the root link(This port is generated when the component is activated)

Output Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
imageRTC::CameraImagecamera image
rangeRTC::RangeDatarange data
poseSensorRTC::Pose3Dposition/orientation of the sensor
cloudPointCloudTypes::PointCloudpoint cloud

Service Ports

Service Providers


Service Consumers


Configuration Variables

nametypeunitdefault valuedescription
rangerMaxAngledouble[rad]0.25maximum scan angle of the range sensor
rangerMinAngledouble[rad]-0.25minimum scan angle of the range sensor
rangerAngularResdouble[rad]0.01scan resolution of the range sensor
rangerMaxRangedouble[m]5.0maximum distance
rangerMinRangedouble[m]5.0minimum distance
generateRangeint1enable/disable range data generation
generatePointCloudint0enable/disable point cloud generation
generatePointCloudStepint1sub-sampling step of point cloud
generateMovieint0enable/disable camera image generation
debugLevelint0debug level
projectstd::string""project file. This variable must be set before the component is activated.
camerastd::string""name of the body and the camera(ex. body_name:camera_name). This variable must be set before the component is activated.
pcFormatstd::string"xyz"output format of point cloud. xyz or xyzrgb

Configuration File