Basic RT components and utilities  ..


This component logs data from input data ports and save them to files.

Input data ports can be created dynamically by calling OpenHRP::DataLoggerService::add(). Default length of the logged data is 4000 and it can be changed by calling OpenHRP::DataLoggerService::maxLength(). Since the logged data are stored in a ring buffer, only the newer data are maintained when the buffer becomes full. The logged data can be saved to files by calling OpenHRP::DataLoggerService::save(). Data for each input data port is save to a file named basename.data_port_name. Each line of the log file starts with time the data is received and the data follows. Currently, the following data types are supported. RTC::TimedDoubleSeq, RTC::TimedLongSeq, RTC::TimedPoint3D, RTC::TimedAcceleration3D, RTC::TimedAngularVelocity3D, RTC::TimedOrientation3D, RTC::TimedVelocity2D and RTC::Pose3D.


Data Ports

Input Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
emergencySignalRTC::TimedLongEmergency signal. When this port receives emergency signal, OpenHRP::DataLoggerService::save() is called automatically.

Other ports are created dynamically by calling OpenHRP::DataLoggerService::add().

Output Ports


Service Ports

Service Providers

port nameinterface nameservice typeIDLdescription

Service Consumers


Configuration Variables


Configuration File